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From Sci-Fi to Reality: The Rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Its Applications

Navigating the AI Revolution: Concepts, Examples, and Future Possibilities Discover the world of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in this comprehensive g…

Voice-enabled Smart Devices: Voice-enabled Technology in 21st Century

Introduction to Voice-enabled Smart Devices? The way we interact with our devices is changing dramatically in a time when technological advancements …

The Future of MARC: Unlocking Possibilities with UNIMARCS

The Evolution of MARC: Exploring UNIMARC for Future Cataloging. Explore the potential of UNIMARC as an alternative to traditional MARC formats in the…

Metadata Standards: The Key to Effective Data Management and Integration

Unlock the power of data management and interoperability with our comprehensive guide on metadata standards. Learn how metadata standards enhance sea…