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How to Fix Low Text to HTML Ratio

Benefits of high Text to HTML ratio. How to Fix Low Text to HTML Ratio. Does the Text to HTML ratio affect SEO? Low text to html ratio.
Fix Low Text to HTML Ratio

What is a Text to HTML Ratio?

There are no general rules yet. Usually, text to html ratios rarely get attention by experts, but it can affect the end-user experience. One of the best ways to improve your web page performance would be to increase the text to html ratio.

Another Short Description

Most web pages are written in HTML code that is used to display the page content (usually text). A page's text to HTML ratio measures the amount of text on that page compared to the amount of HTML code needed to display it.

Text to HTML ratio

Having a high text/code ratio means you will have more text in your page. Search engines use this when they rank web pages.

What is Text to HTML ratio?

Most of the web pages use the html code to show their content. To measure the amount of text is very important for a web page to create a good design. It's what they call the code to text ratio.

How is the Text to HTML ratio calculated?

It's really easy to calculate the text to html ratio. There are free ratio checker tools that can be used for analyzing the ratio on your web pages. They have the option of displaying the size of your webpage. text size, code size, and code to text ratio, etc.

The ratio checker tools extract the text from paragraphs and the anchor texts from the HTML code. The content ratio is then calculated based on these patterns to arrive at the x% versus y% ratio.

What is considered to be a good Text to HTML ratio?

Anything between 25 and 70 per cent is considered to be a good text to html ratio. The lower is the better, the higher is worse. Search engines like google give a lot of importance to content-driven sites.

How Does the Text to HTML ratio affect SEO?

but text to html ratio can be used as a ranking factor by Google search. Hence indirectly a disproportionate ratio can lead to slow page loading speed whereby impacting the search engine rankings.

Benefits of high Text to HTML ratio

  • The higher the text content of a html page, the easier it is to read. 
  • This helps both the audience and the search engine, so the website gains more value. Having a better user experience is important.
  • The lesser the number of HTML (HyperText Markup Language) elements, the higher the page load speed is.
  •  A higher page load speed is also a good ranking factor, because it makes it easy for the crawlers to read your website.

Google Web Core Vitas

The report does not only test your pages based on the time it takes them to load, it also checks whether you have pages that have problems in displaying the main content and might be too slow to load on the computer of the user. 

Low Text to HTML Ratio Core Web Vitals

The purpose of this is to pinpoint pages that may be a bit sluggish for visitors and make sure they load properly.

How to Optimize the Text to HTML ratio for your website?

Following mentioned are few tips which can help optimize your webpage’s Text to HTML ratio whereby help improve the end-user experience:

  • Check the validity of the HTML code and get rid of any unwanted code
  • Eliminate huge white spaces
  • Do not use many tabs
  • Get rid of the comments in the code
  • Avoid using tables in your layout unless necessary
  • Use a CSS for styling and formatting purpose
  • Resize images and remove the ones not required
  • Use less JavaScript
  • Maintain the size of the webpage below 300kb
  • Remove any form of hidden text not visible to users
  • Include easily readable and understandable text


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