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Thesis and Topic Sentence with Examples

Difference Between Thesis and Topic Sentence. Thesis statement examples and Topic Sentence examples. Thesis and Topic Sentence

Thesis and Topic Sentence with Examples

Main Difference

The key difference between thesis and topic sentence is that a thesis sentence contains the main idea of the paper or essay, whereas a topic sentence contains the main idea of a paragraph.

Both thesis and topic sentences should be specific, focused and clear. In addition, they are not questions or predictions. They are declarative statements and are necessary for the organization of an essay.

What is a Thesis Sentence?

A thesis sentence is the summary of the main points in a exploration paper or a thesis. It's a single sentence that's generally in the conclusion of the introductory paragraph. It helps to develop and organize the body of the thesis. It also contains the controlling idea of an essay and maintains its concinnity. Through this sentence , the opinions and the sentence of the pen too can be linked.

There are two types of thesis rulings explicatory and argumentative. An explicatory sentence mentions the subject, whereas an argumentative judgment is a claim that the compendiums may agree or differ with.

Features of a Good Thesis Sentence
  • Brief
  • Specific
  • Precise
  • Provide the direction of the paper
  • Have evidence
How to Write a Thesis Sentence
  • Understands the topic
  • Limit the scope
  • Brainstorm

Examples of Thesis Sentence/Statement

Examples of thesis statements related to Covid-19
  • The rise of online shopping in the wake of COVID-19 might lead to the permanent closure of millions of brick-and-mortar outlets.
  • Because many people might be unwilling to vaccinate in country x due to their reluctance towards a COVID-19 vaccine, the government must ensure that mass awareness campaigns regarding the need to vaccinate starts prior to the launch of the vaccine.
Example of thesis statements related to education
  • As physical libraries become obsolete due to digital devices, the government should fund digital libraries instead of physical ones to ease the economic burden of students required to buy expensive e-books.
  • The government should digitize libraries and provide increased resources to support digital devices, such as new computers, high-speed internet connectivity for remote devices and online access to books.
Examples of thesis statements related to healthcare
  • Increased taxation on cigarettes can help save the government on healthcare-related expenditure which can be used for improving healthcare services in the country.
Examples of thesis statements related to science
  • Wind turbines need to be replaced with alternative sources of green energy due to their hazardous effect on human health and wildlife.
  • Governments should prioritize climate change adaptation since global warming cannot be reversed.

What is a Topic Sentence?

A topic sentence is a sentence that summarizes the main idea of a paragraph. It is also known as the focus sentence. This is the most important sentence in a paragraph. It can be anywhere in a paragraph, but usually, in academic essays, it is the first sentence.

The topic sentence is the main element in organizing a paragraph because the rest of the paragraph supports this sentence. This develops one main point in an essay. This not only summarizes the content of a paragraph but contains the main idea as well. A topic sentence maintains the coherence of paragraphs and the essay. There are two parts to a topic sentence. They are,

  • The topic – subject of a paragraph
  • Controlling idea – point of the paragraph. Guides and supports the paragraph. This may reveal the writer’s opinions as well.

Examples of Topic Sentences

  • The world is very different now (John F. Kennedy’s inaugural speech, 1961)
  • Grandma’s room I regarded as a dark den of primitive rites and practices. (E.L. Doctorow, World’s Fair. Random House, 1985)
  • You discover what it is like to be hungry. (George Orwell, Down and Out in Paris and London. Victor Gollancz, 1933)
Features of a Topic Sentence
  • The first sentence or near the first sentence of a paragraph
  • Introduces the paragraph
  • Contains new information
  • Specific
  • General enough to explore
  • Strong (usually without starting from ‘there is’ or ‘there are’)
  • Affirmative

Difference Between Thesis and Topic Sentence

Thesis Sentence
Summary of the main point in research paper or a thesis
End of the introductory paragraph
Give an idea about the entire paper

Topic Sentence
Summarizes the main idea of paragraph
Beginning of the paragraph
Give an idea about a paragraph

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